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Author: Eileen Rajczyk

Eileen Rajczyk

Eileen Rajczyk

Eileen Rajczyk has been working for BENEO more than 15 years in the office in Parsippany, New Jersey. In her spare time, she loves to frequent breweries with her friends, take long rides with her husband, cook a delicious meal, garden and the best part is spending time with her two daughters and son in law.

  • BENEO’s corporate values: Enriching work environment and daily lives

    BENEO’s corporate values: Enriching work environment and daily lives

    From the life of a BENEO Values Manager Hello there, I’m Eileen Rajczyk, the Administration Manager at BENEO’s New Jersey office in the US, and today I want to share with you one of my favorite roles at BENEO – being a values manager! I’ve been a values manager since its rollout in 2014, which…
