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Category: Innovation

  • A culinary tasting with BENEO’s ingredients.

    A culinary tasting with BENEO’s ingredients.

    Our colleagues from the BENEO-Technology Center recently launched a tasty initiative. Every month, 12 colleagues will be invited for a culinary tasting in the food application centre. This is where our food experts work on recipes with BENEO’s functional ingredients. A few months ago, a culinary chef joined the team, taking our plant-based food application…

  • Palatinose™ Blue Hour: under Palatinate’s blue sky

    Palatinose™ Blue Hour: under Palatinate’s blue sky

    Our colleague Valeska Heckmann writes about the Palatinose™ Blue Hour which was brought to life by our Functional Carbs Team for developing ideas the unconventional way at BENEO. In a little village in the Palatinate region she joined this inspirational session about BENEO’s smart carbohydrate with eight other BENEO colleagues to find out if there…

  • Palatinose™ ‒ a secret ingredient for healthy resolutions.

    Palatinose™ ‒ a secret ingredient for healthy resolutions.

    Make 2023 your year with the help of Palatinose™. Enjoy its many benefits such as improved performance, faster recovery, stable blood sugar levels, and fat oxidation. Try delicious recipes to incorporate Palatinose™ into your daily routine. And discover how ChatGPT, the latest AI tool, helped with writing this blog and might be a step towards…

  • Long-term, sustainable business principles at BENEO.

    Long-term, sustainable business principles at BENEO.

    Next to quality and reliability, an important factor for rice sourcing is sustainability. This entails a wide range of factors, from safety to ethical aspects and involvement in the local situation. Find out more about BENEO’s principles.

  • Start of chicory campaign in Oreye

    Start of chicory campaign in Oreye

    End of August, BENEO started with processing chicory roots at its production site located in Oreye, Belgium. The special feature of this year’s chicory campaign season is that our team dedicated the first week to the processing of organic chicory.

  • BENEO secures supply of rice ingredients.

    BENEO secures supply of rice ingredients.

    “It is more costly to have no rice than to have expensive rice”, says BENEO’s Purchasing Manager. But how can we ensure a secure supply? Find out more about the challenges and how BENEO tackles them.

  • BENEO challenges and chases quality of rice.

    BENEO challenges and chases quality of rice.

    When it comes to BENEO’s portfolio of specialty rice ingredients, ensuring high quality and meeting safety standards for the raw material are key. Find out here which measures and steps we take in the sourcing process.

  • Chicory campaign 2022 at BENEO in Chile

    Chicory campaign 2022 at BENEO in Chile

    During this 2022 chicory campaign, there were many challenges and lessons to learn, but thanks to the efforts, quick adaptation and good attitude of the entire BENEO Chile team, we managed to complete this campaign in a positive way. For the first time in the company’s history, two women were integrated as mechanics in the…

  • How to make delicious vegetarian chicken pieces.

    How to make delicious vegetarian chicken pieces.

    If you want to find out how easy it is to prepare delicious vegetarian chicken pieces with textured wheat protein, you can just watch this short movie.

  • Eyeing innovation opportunities in dairy-free chocolate.

    Eyeing innovation opportunities in dairy-free chocolate.

    With consumer interest in products that promote healthy indulgence continuing to rise, the BENEO-Technology Center is eyeing innovation opportunities in the fields of bakery and dairy-free chocolate. Together with the sugar division of BENEO’s parent company Südzucker, the R&D food application laboratory in Tienen, Belgium, has been extended to bring chocolate and bakery applications to…
