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Food for Thought: Our Volunteer Experience at the Singapore Foodbank

Food donations in a box

Disclaimer: This blogpost contains some Singlish words, grammar and expressions. Singlish is a variety of English spoken which incorporates several Asian languages such as Malay, Chinese dialects and Tamil. It this way, it reflects Singapore’s multicultural society.

Imagine lah, a bunch of BENEO kakis (friends), all passionate about makan (food) and healthy living, decided to go and fight food insecurity in Singapore. Our destination? The Singapore Foodbank, a charity organization that acquires donated food and makes it available via a network of member beneficiaries to needy families, soup kitchens and other voluntary welfare organizations.

Why We Volunteered: Kena (Got) Inspired to Help

Why volunteer at the Foodbank, you ask? Well, got three reasons, lah. First, we were impressed by their mission to end food insecurity in all forms in Singapore. Second, we wanted to give back to our community and make a real difference in people’s lives. And finally, we saw it as a great chance to bond with our team.

Our Volunteer Experience: A Journey of Service

Our volunteer experience at the Foodbank was a mix of heartwarming moments and eye-opening discoveries. We were involved in sorting and packing donated food. That involved unpacking boxes and scanning items into an inventory list. We should also carefully categorise the food according to category, pack size and halal or non-halal certification.

What seemed like a simple task at first quickly revealed its hidden complexities. We realized that the work at the Foodbank is a delicate balance of time, effort, and teamwork in order to make sure that every item finds its right place. We also learned a sobering truth: food insecurity is a very real issue in Singapore. Because one in ten people is struggling to get sufficient, safe and nutritious food to eat.

Our Takeaways: A Wealth of Lessons

We left the Foodbank with hearts full of renewed purpose and minds. And we felt enriched with a deeper understanding of food insecurity in Singapore. The importance of teamwork and communication shone through, as we witnessed our BENEO colleagues working together seamlessly.

To anyone considering volunteering, we say: go for it, lah! Whether it’s the Foodbank or another cause close to your heart, volunteering offers a fulfilling experience that can genuinely transform lives.

Here are some additional reflections from our team, with a touch of fun:

  • “It was like a delightful treasure hunt, discovering the endless varieties of Milo and other goodies!”
  • “Sorting and stacking bags of rice onto pallets was an unexpected team-building exercise. It left us feeling like a well-oiled machine!”
  • “After hours of looking at an abundance of food, we left with a newfound appreciation for our next meal!”

We are very grateful for the opportunity to have volunteered at the Singapore Foodbank. And we look forward to continuing to support their vital work in the future.