Last month, we concluded an invigorating workshop in Seoul. During this time, sparks of creativity flew, partnerships illuminated, and connections ignited. Collaborating with our South Korean Sales Network Partner (SNP), Vixxol, we hosted our valued Asia Pacific Sales Network Partners (SNPs) for an immersive 3-day workshop themed ‘Seoul Sparks: Illuminating Partnerships’.
This bi-annual regional event is a cornerstone of BENEO’s engagement strategy with our partners. It serves as a platform to share updates, strategies, and most importantly, to fortify relationships through interactive sessions and networking opportunities. Conducting this event regionally allows for tailored communication and deeper engagement, resulting in more effective support for our SNPs.
Day One: Setting the Stage
The workshop began with insightful presentations, highlighting BENEO’s achievements over the past year and providing updates on the latest advancements in nutrition science. Energized by knowledge, we transitioned into a delightful welcome dinner featuring two quintessential dishes of Korean cuisine – grilled Korean beef and bibimbap!
Day Two: Collaboration in Action
The excitement continued on the second day with our SNPs showcasing their products of the year during the highly anticipated market stall activity. This interactive session underscored the diversity of offerings within our business and sparked engaging conversations and potential synergies. Notably, the participants were impressed by remarkable market launches such as dairy and gluten-free frozen cheesecake with inulin for creaminess, a sugar-free relaunch of a popular nicotine gum, and even a high-fibre powdered drink with consumer communication normalizing the bloating effect.
Exploring Innovation at Vixxol
Then the group convened at Vixxol’s state-of-the-art office for in-depth strategic workshops and hands-on technical sessions. After a comprehensive update about our ingredients from the product managers, the SNPs engaged in strategy discussions with their respective area sales managers. Following this, they enthusiastically donned their personalized aprons and rolled up their sleeves to craft delicious heart-healthy waffles with barley beta-glucans, high-fibre pasta noodles with inulin, and eggless coconut spread with faba bean protein from scratch! The spacious and fully-equipped application lab at Vixxol left everyone in awe.
Celebrating Success: Awards and Recognition
The highlight of the workshop was an enchanting dinner cruise along the iconic Han River. Against the backdrop of Seoul’s glittering skyline, we celebrated our SNPs’ achievements with an awards ceremony. We presented an unprecedented seven awards. Among these, our SNP DPO China clinching the coveted Product of the Year award for their attractive sugar-free ISOMALT lollipops used in famous tourist attractions such as Disneyland, Universal Studios, Wuhan Huanghe Tower, and many more. Other notable nominees were Mitsui Japan’s almond soymilk beverage for cognitive health with Palatinose™ functional claim, and Brenntag Vietnam’s probiotic drink for children’s digestive health. To recognize SNPs who conducted innovation days and seminars in 2023, we bestowed individual medals upon each contributor within their teams, aiming to inspire other SNPs to host similar customer events.
As the cruise neared its end, we escorted participants to the top deck for a spectacular display of fireworks, symbolizing the theme of our workshop.
Culmination: Insights and Farewell
On the final day, a stimulating panel discussion featuring SNP leaders and BENEO’s board member Dominic Speleers provided valuable insights into the opportunities, challenges, and trends of the functional ingredients markets globally and in the region. Concluding the workshop, Dominic expressed his sincere gratitude to Vixxol, the BENEO team, and the SNPs for their contributions to a fruitful event – a testament to the power of partnerships in driving collective success.

We eagerly anticipate reconnecting with everyone at our next Asia Pacific regional workshop!